Mental Health And The Black Community: Why It's Important To Address

Mental illness is a prevalent issue in the Black community, but it's still largely overlooked. This article discusses the importance of addressing these issues and asking for help. 

Mental illness is a prevalent issue in the Black community, but it's still largely overlooked. This article discusses the importance of addressing these issues and asking for help. 

Mental Illness and the Black Community

Despite the common misconception that mental health is not an issue in the Black community, it's prevalent. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), one in four African-Americans has a mental illness. However, the severity of this problem can often be overlooked due to how stigmatized it is for Black people to seek help for mental health problems. Additionally, some barriers prevent people from accessing quality care, such as lack of access to healthcare and long wait times.

How to Reduce the Stigma of Mental Illness in the Black Community

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the stigma of mental illness in the Black community.

For example, you could educate yourself on mental health by reading articles or books about it. You could also share these articles with your friends and family members, so they have a better understanding of mental health as well. Eventually, you'll be able to educate others around you and reduce the stigma that exists in your community.

In addition to educating yourself on mental health, there are other steps you could take to help yourself or someone else who's struggling with mental illness:

1) Educate Yourself

2) Share Your Knowledge

3) Seek Help

4) Learn More about Mental Illness

5) Understand What You Can Do

6) Follow Your Gut

What You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health

To reduce this stigma and improve your mental health as a Black person, you should take some time for yourself each day. You might find that taking care of yourself will benefit your physical well-being and your emotional wellness as well!

Some ways you can take care of yourself include going outside and spending time with friends or family members. Exercise is a great way to improve your mood and feel better about life in general. If you know what makes you happy, like listening to music or watching television, make sure you do those things every day too! 


The prevalence of mental illness in the Black community is higher than any other ethnic group. But, if you're struggling with your mental health, we promise you there is help. 

Contact an organization like BEAM (Black Emotion and Mental Health) to find ways to improve your mental health or call the following hotlines:

24 Hour Hotlines: 

General Support (Not 24-hours)